Wednesday 28 October 2015

Update on the latest news, sports, business and entertainment

UPDATE: House GOP leaders bare account pact
WASHINGTON (AP) -- House GOP leaders addled a account accord fabricated with the White House just afore midnight Monday aimed at arresting a government abeyance and arresting a debt crisis.
Speaker John Boehner is authoritative one final address to agitated Republicans: Pass the hard-won acceding with Admiral Barack Obama afore Rep. Paul Ryan assumes the speaker's job afterwards this week. But he encountered actual attrition if he laid out the plan Monday night. His plan is for associates to vote on the accord Wednesday.
The account pact, in concert with a must-pass access in the federal borrowing limit, would break the thorniest issues apprehension Ryan, who is set to be adopted apostle on Thursday.
UPDATE: Convulsion afterlife assessment increases
PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AP) -- Admiral say rescuers are disturbing to ability quake-stricken regions in Pakistan and Afghanistan as the accumulated afterlife assessment from the antecedent day's convulsion rose to 311.
According to Afghan and Pakistani officials, 237 humans died in Pakistan and 74 in Afghanistan in the magnitude-7.5 quake, which was centered abysmal below the Hindu Kush mountains in Afghanistan's sparsely busy Badakhshan arena adjoining Pakistan, Tajikistan and China.
Wais Ahmad Barmak, the Afghan abbot for adversity administration says 266 humans were aswell afflicted in Afghanistan.
In Pakistan, authorities say they are disturbing to ability limited aeriform quake-affected areas.
The army acclimated helicopters Tuesday to carriage food to the victims and aggressive engineers were aggravating to restore advice curve disrupted by landslides triggered by the quake. Thousands of homes accept aswell been damaged.
US Navy sails abreast reefs claimed by China
WASHINGTON (AP) -- A U.S. aggressive official says a Navy address has sailed abreast an bogus island congenital by China in the South China Sea in a long-anticipated claiming to China's affirmation of ascendancy in those waters.
The USS Lassen, a guided missile destroyer, sailed central what China claims as a 12-mile territorial absolute about a beach in the Spratly Islands archipelago.
The official says the convoying was completed afterwards incident.
DA says Oklahoma array deaths assume intentional
STILLWATER, Okla. (AP) -- A prosecutor says it appears that a woman accused of active her car into a accession array abreast Oklahoma State University did so "purposely."
Payne County District Attorney Laura Thomas said Monday that the affirmation suggests that the deaths of four humans during Saturday's array were "an advised act." She says Adacia Chambers collection about a barricade and ran a red ablaze afore hitting parade-goers and that she would accept been able to see the army from far away.
Chambers is getting captivated on four basic counts of second-degree murder.
Special District Judge Katherine Thomas set Chambers' band at $1 amateur and ordered her to abide a cerebral evaluation.
AP-GfK Poll: Trump apparent agreeably by 11 percent of Hispanics
NEWARK, N.J. (AP) -- A new poll finds that Republican beloved Donald Trump is broadly abhorred a part of Hispanics.
Responses in the AP-GfK analysis claiming the billionaire's around-the-clock affirmation that he will win the Hispanic vote if he becomes his party's nominee.
The poll finds that abounding of the Republican presidential candidates would apparently attempt to win cogent Hispanic abutment in a accepted election, admitting a lot of may accept a adventitious to about-face that around.
Of all the Republicans in the acreage Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio are the favorites a part of Hispanics. But the poll suggests even they are a harder sell.
Trump is beheld afield by 72 percent of Hispanics polled, with 6 in 10 accepting a actual abortive assessment of him. Only 11 percent appearance him favorably.
Clinton 'outraged' by delays for veterans gluttonous care
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Hillary Rodham Clinton's attack says she is "outraged" by abiding delays for veterans gluttonous medical affliction or to accept their affliction claims processed, but she opposes privatizing the system.
Republicans are analytic the Democratic presidential candidate's charge to veterans afterwards she said in an MSNBC account Friday that the VA aspersion had not been "as boundless as it has been fabricated out to be" and Republicans had politicized the agency.
Arizona Sen. John McCain says Clinton should apologize and says it shows a "total abridgement of appreciation" of the crisis adverse veterans' bloom care. Phoenix was the epicenter of the wait-time scandal.
Clinton's attack says she will outline affairs in November to accomplish added changes at the VA to ensure it works for veterans, but she opposes privatizing their care.
Merkel assured Germany can accommodate refugees
BERLIN (AP) -- Chancellor Angela Merkel says she charcoal assured Germany can accommodate the ample amount of refugees who are arriving, and is arguing that abounding will not break forever.
Germany has been the capital destination of Syrians and others gluttonous aegis in Europe. Merkel said at a boondocks anteroom accident in Nuremberg Monday that "there are very, actual many, but there are 80 amateur of us." She said "we can and will administer this integration" if Germany makes an accomplishment from the alpha to accommodate the newcomers.
Merkel said a lot of Syrians will get address for three years and abounding acceptable will wish to advice clean Syria if the war ends. She said the Geneva Convention on refugees obliges Germany to assure people, "but we don't accept the assignment of befitting anybody actuality for life."
Syrian opposition: Russian airstrikes capital noncombatant killer
UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- The Syrian National Coalition, the capital Western-backed action group, says aimless Russian aeriform attacks are now the arch analgesic of civilians.
Najib Ghadbian, the coalition's U.N. representative, said Russia's action in Syria is facilitating Admiral Bashar Assad's "war on civilians" and abolishment of abstinent action armament -- adverse to Moscow's affirmation that its attack is aimed at countering "terrorist agitator groups."
Ghadbian said in a letter to the U.N. Security Council on Monday that Russia has agitated out added than 297 airstrikes back initiating its attack on Sept. 30.
According to abstracts from Syrian Civil Defense accomplishment workers, he said, added than 436 civilians accept been dead back again and "more than bisected of these noncombatant deaths are anon attributable to Russian airstrikes."
UPDATE: Gov't bans e-cigarettes in airline passengers' arrested bags
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The government is arise down on e-cigarettes on commuter planes afterwards added than two dozen explosions and fires over about bisected a decade.
Battery-operated cyberbanking smoker accessories will no best be accustomed in arrested bags, and smokers will not be able to recharge the accessories while they're on the plane.
The aphorism still allows e-cigarettes in attache luggage.
UPDATE: IOC: Refugees acceptable to attempt in Olympics for 1st time
UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- The admiral of the International Olympic Committee says awful able athletes who are refugees will be accustomed to attempt in the Olympic Games for the aboriginal time.
IOC arch Thomas Bach fabricated the advertisement Monday to the U.N. Accepted Assembly, which adopted a resolution advancement all countries to stop angry and beam a accord during the 2016 Summer Olympics and Paralympics in Rio de Janeiro.
Liberty Medal presented to Dalai Lama's representatives
PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- The Alternative Medal has been presented to assembly of the Dalai Lama. He was clumsy to appear the Philadelphia commemoration for bloom reasons.
The Tibetan airy baton was alleged in June to accept the accolade for his efforts to advance benevolence and animal rights worldwide. The accolade comes with a $100,000 prize.
At Monday's National Constitution Center commemoration amateur Richard Gere alleged the Dalai Lama "one of the abundant ones" who "wants annihilation added than our happiness."
The Dalai Lama says in a video he abjure not getting able to appear and is committed until his afterlife to announcement animal values, including liberty.
The 80-year-old Dalai Lama accustomed a Nobel Cost in 1989. He has lived in banishment in India back a bootless 1959 Tibetan insurgence adjoin Chinese rule.
NEW: Video shows academy administrator casting apprentice in classroom
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) -- Sheriff's assembly and academy admiral in Columbia, South Carolina, say they're searching into video that shows a academy ability administrator casting a apprentice beyond a classroom floor.
The cellphone video, taken by addition student, shows Deputy Ben Fields allurement a babe at Spring Valley High Academy to get up from her desk.
When she refuses, he wraps his arm about her neck, tips the board astern and tosses the babe several anxiety beyond the floor.
The babe is again placed in handcuffs. The sheriff in Richland County says the apprentice was confusing in class.

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