Monday 12 October 2015

Fizzy bubbles carry drugs deep into wounds

fizzy chemical
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Alka-Seltzer’s frothy fizz may hold the secret to stopping blood loss.
Jets of rushing bubbles can carry blood-clotting drugs deep into a wound and seal it shut, scientists report October 2 in Science Advances.
The work is the first to show bubble-powered devices doing something useful inside the body, says organic chemist Jan van Hest of Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. “What they’ve done is really clever because it has a biomedically relevant application — it can stop blood flow,” he says.
The bubble-propelled drugs could come in handy in a car accident, in postpartum hemorrhaging or even on the battlefield, says study coauthor Christian Kastrup of the University of British Colombia in Vancouver.

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