Saturday 31 October 2015

Syria decision the latest blow to Obama's Middle East legacy

Syria decision the latest blow to Obama's Middle East legacy

mate Hunt

The decision to deploy US troops to Syria is seen in Washington as one of profound political consequence – both for the credibility of Barack Obama’s presidency and possibly for new peace talks aimed at ending the five-year war – but yet of limited military significance. Administration officials were left squirming on Friday to explain how sending special forces to work alongside Syrian rebels fighting the Islamic State was compatible with Obama’s earlier promises not to “put boots on the ground” in Syria or “engage in combat operations” against Isis.
White House spokesman Josh Earnest claimed there was still a difference of “night and day” compared with the Bush administration’s invasions, but in the space of a few short weeks a central promise of Obama’s presidential campaign has been undermined: first by conceding that he will not meet his pledge of removing troops from Afghanistan before he leaves office and now by acknowledging a long-term ground presence is necessary not just in Iraq, but Syria too.
Earnest would not say whether the deployments were permanent or would be bolstered, insisting: “I don’t want to try to predict the future here.”
Yet arguably that was exactly what Obama claimed he could do when he ran for office promising to bring US troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan.
When the president first contemplated intervention in Syria two years ago, in an effort to deter President Bashar al-Assad’s use of chemical weapons, Obama went further still, making a clear-cut pledge not to escalate US involvement.
“Many of you have asked, won’t this put us on a slippery slope to another war?” said Obama in an address to the nation in September 2013. “My answer is simple: I will not put American boots on the ground in Syria. I will not pursue an open-ended action like Iraq or Afghanistan.”
That mission against Assad was ultimately dropped in the face of opposition from Congress, and the White House claims critics are taking the “boots on the ground” quote out of context by using it now.
Obama fumbles for credibility in Syria as Russia and Iran seize initiative
But similar, if more nuanced, promises were made a year later when Obama announced airstrikes against Isis in Syria and Iraq but claimed the effort would “not involve American combat troops fighting on foreign soil”.
“These American forces will not have a combat mission,” he said in September 2014. “We will not get dragged into another ground war in Iraq.”
The White House insists “combat” is still not a description of what its special forces will be doing in Syria and have done in Iraq.
“These forces do not have a combat mission,” said Earnest this Friday. “In 2003 President Bush launched a large-scale combat operation in Iraq. [This is] a very different mission: to build the capacity of local forces.”
Nonetheless, even the temporary missions and raids being carried out by US special forces in both countries look an awful lot like combat to most observers.
Basing them in Syria until further notice only increases the risk of the US being dragged into fighting not just Isis, but the Syrian government, or even Russian and Iranian forces operating in the country.
Liberal activists were in little doubt that Obama has failed to live up to his commitment to avoid getting dragged directly into the war.
“Putting boots on the ground in Syria is both a broken promise by the president and bad policy,” says Zack Malitz at Credo Action, a progressive campaign group.
“By breaking that promise today, President Obama is putting American lives at risk and drawing the United States further into a conflict that can not be resolved militarily.”
Yet analysts in Washington are also sceptical that such a small number of special forces and extra air power would make a difference to the entrenched conflict in Syria.
“It’s a little strange. All of things that they are announcing today, they are already doing in an ad hoc fashion, apart from the fact that the troops in Syria are going to be long term,” says Emma Ashford of the Cato Institute.
“It’s really hard to see how this tiny number of troops embedded on the ground is going to turn the tide in any way.”
Instead, the deployment looks more like an act of symbolism by the US on the eve of crucial peace talks in Vienna, which are led by secretary of state of John Kerry and joined for the first time by the foreign minister of Iran.
When asked by reporters, Kerry insisted it was a “coincidence” that the bolstered US presence was announced on the same day talks began with Iran.
A sceptical Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov reportedly grinned and joked in response: “We did not plant this question.”

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Russia 'tried to cut off' World Wide Web


A failed experiment to cut Russia from the World Wide Web stokes fears of Chinese-style online censorship

 World Wide Web
Russia has run enormous scale experiments to experiment the feasibility of cutting the country off the sector extensive web, a senior industry executive has claimed.

The exams, which come amid mounting problem a couple of Kremlin crusade to clamp down on internet freedoms, were described through specialists as preparations for an expertise blackout in the event of a home political quandary.

Andrei Semerikov, normal director of a Russian provider supplier known as Er Telecom, stated Russia’s ministry of communications and Roskomnadzor, the national internet regulator, ordered communications hubs run through the important Russian internet vendors to dam visitors to international communications channels by way of making use of a site visitors manage process known as DPI.

The objective used to be to look whether the Runet – the informal name for the Russian internet – could proceed to operate in isolation from the global internet.
Vladimir Putin
The scan, which took location in spring this year, failed due to the fact thousands of smaller provider providers, which Roskomnadzor has little manipulate over, persevered to go understanding out of the country, Mr Semerikov stated.

Smaller providers account for over 50 per cent of the market in some Russian areas, often lack the DPI science used by the greater corporations to put into effect the blocking off orders, and ordinarily use satellite connections that can't be conveniently blocked.

Russian officers denied the sort of test had taken position. A Roskomnadzor spokesman said “there was once now not such experiment". The company had now not spoke back to a written request for additional important points through close of trade Thursday.

Mr Semerikov’s comments had been wrongly interpreted and “in one of these form that it is pointless to remark on it,” an extra Roskomnadzor spokesman informed RBK, a Russian newspaper.

But the reported Spring experiment follows a identical scan in July final yr, when safety groups including the FSB, the defence ministry, and the interior ministry collaborated with the country wide mobilephone operator to peer if a country wide intranet made from the domain names ending in .Ru or. рф would continue to operate if reduce off from other constituents of the web.

That scan used to be reportedly ordered for my part with the aid of Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, to examine the Russian web’s capacity to continue operating if Western nations introduce sanctions chopping off the nation from the internet, and resulted in a decision to construct backup infrastructure to ensure the Runet's continued operation.

Vladimir PutinVladimir Putin  picture: Getty graphics

Sanctions that prevent Western firms from doing trade in Crimea, the province of Ukraine annexed via Russia in 2014, have made some internet offerings unavailable there.

Andrei Soldatov, an expert on Russia’s protection offerings and the co-creator of a new e-book concerning the Kremlin’s web security policy and eavesdropping practices, referred to as that a “pretext".

Surely, stated Mr Soldatov, officials are readying for the possibility of shutting down the knowledge go with the flow to and from the external world in case of a home political emergency.

“this is in reality simply one among a series of such experiments, and it gives us an excellent proposal of what they have got in intellect. If you appear at the doctrine of understanding security, it is all concerning the same factor: the fear of Western international locations utilizing the internet as an instrument of impact in Russia and many others,” he stated.

Mr Soldatov stated the failure of the spring scan proved that the authorities have been not likely to achieve imposing such an expertise blackout.

“You technically can’t impose a chinese mannequin of censorship on an internet approach which, like Russia’s, has grown for 20 years as an close to fully uncontrolled, free area,” he stated.

Russia has offered a quantity of restrictive web legal guidelines in up to date years, in what some have described as an effort to impose “digital sovereignty” on cyber space.

Legislation so far involves blacklisting of web sites deemed “extremist” or harmful to children, making bloggers with more than 3,000 everyday readers discipline to the identical restrictions and legislation as newspapers and tv, and requiring web firms to move all servers containing data on Russia citizens to Russia.

Critics stated the extremism and child safeguard laws are so loosely worded they are able to be applied arbitrarily. Websites banned beneath the extremism legislation incorporate the website of Gary Kasparov, the chess champion and Kremlin critic, grani.Ru, an opposition information website, and the blog of Alexey Navalny, an anti-corruption campaigner and vociferous critic of Mr Putin.

Deerfield's Baxter to reduce 1,400 jobs worldwide

 Baxter International officials announced Tuesday that they plan to cut about 1,400 jobs worldwide.

On the identical day that Deerfield-situated Baxter global Inc. Beat Wall avenue estimates, the clinical gadget maker mentioned it plans to cut about 1,400 positions worldwide.

The cuts come after Baxter spun off its Bioscience industry, called Baxalta Inc., in July.
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video Baxter video

"we are aligning our infrastructure with our new status as a stand-alone scientific products enterprise to better support our industry portfolio and boost our priorities," Baxter spokeswoman Deborah Spak said Tuesday.

The announcement came when Baxter suggested its 1/3-quarter profit of $1 million. The clinical gadget maker posted earnings of $2.49 billion within the interval, beating Wall street forecasts. 5 analysts surveyed with the aid of Zacks anticipated $2.Forty six billion.

The company stated it had web revenue of lower than 1 cent on a per-share basis. Gains, adjusted for nonrecurring costs and to account for discontinued operations, were forty one cents per share. The results topped Wall street expectations.

For the current quarter ending in December, Baxter expects its per-share earnings to variety from 30 cents to 32 cents.

Spak said the 1,four hundred positions are nonmanufacturing and are about 5 percentage of its world body of workers.

As of June 30, Baxter had about 50,000 workers globally, including 15,000 in the USA and virtually 4,800 in Illinois, Spak stated.

She mentioned the cuts "have took place across Baxter's world operations, with no unique locations impacted extra enormously."

Two thirds of Baxter's global body of workers is located external the united states, she said.

"keep in intellect that in Northern Illinois in certain, with the spinoff, the Baxter/Baxalta worker populace has improved over the final few years, so even with this reduction, the combined Baxter and Baxalta worker population in Northern Illinois has grown."

The job cuts are expected to save lots of about $a hundred thirty million yearly, she mentioned.

• related Press contributed.

Update on the latest news, sports, business and entertainment

UPDATE: House GOP leaders bare account pact
WASHINGTON (AP) -- House GOP leaders addled a account accord fabricated with the White House just afore midnight Monday aimed at arresting a government abeyance and arresting a debt crisis.
Speaker John Boehner is authoritative one final address to agitated Republicans: Pass the hard-won acceding with Admiral Barack Obama afore Rep. Paul Ryan assumes the speaker's job afterwards this week. But he encountered actual attrition if he laid out the plan Monday night. His plan is for associates to vote on the accord Wednesday.
The account pact, in concert with a must-pass access in the federal borrowing limit, would break the thorniest issues apprehension Ryan, who is set to be adopted apostle on Thursday.
UPDATE: Convulsion afterlife assessment increases
PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AP) -- Admiral say rescuers are disturbing to ability quake-stricken regions in Pakistan and Afghanistan as the accumulated afterlife assessment from the antecedent day's convulsion rose to 311.
According to Afghan and Pakistani officials, 237 humans died in Pakistan and 74 in Afghanistan in the magnitude-7.5 quake, which was centered abysmal below the Hindu Kush mountains in Afghanistan's sparsely busy Badakhshan arena adjoining Pakistan, Tajikistan and China.
Wais Ahmad Barmak, the Afghan abbot for adversity administration says 266 humans were aswell afflicted in Afghanistan.
In Pakistan, authorities say they are disturbing to ability limited aeriform quake-affected areas.
The army acclimated helicopters Tuesday to carriage food to the victims and aggressive engineers were aggravating to restore advice curve disrupted by landslides triggered by the quake. Thousands of homes accept aswell been damaged.
US Navy sails abreast reefs claimed by China
WASHINGTON (AP) -- A U.S. aggressive official says a Navy address has sailed abreast an bogus island congenital by China in the South China Sea in a long-anticipated claiming to China's affirmation of ascendancy in those waters.
The USS Lassen, a guided missile destroyer, sailed central what China claims as a 12-mile territorial absolute about a beach in the Spratly Islands archipelago.
The official says the convoying was completed afterwards incident.
DA says Oklahoma array deaths assume intentional
STILLWATER, Okla. (AP) -- A prosecutor says it appears that a woman accused of active her car into a accession array abreast Oklahoma State University did so "purposely."
Payne County District Attorney Laura Thomas said Monday that the affirmation suggests that the deaths of four humans during Saturday's array were "an advised act." She says Adacia Chambers collection about a barricade and ran a red ablaze afore hitting parade-goers and that she would accept been able to see the army from far away.
Chambers is getting captivated on four basic counts of second-degree murder.
Special District Judge Katherine Thomas set Chambers' band at $1 amateur and ordered her to abide a cerebral evaluation.
AP-GfK Poll: Trump apparent agreeably by 11 percent of Hispanics
NEWARK, N.J. (AP) -- A new poll finds that Republican beloved Donald Trump is broadly abhorred a part of Hispanics.
Responses in the AP-GfK analysis claiming the billionaire's around-the-clock affirmation that he will win the Hispanic vote if he becomes his party's nominee.
The poll finds that abounding of the Republican presidential candidates would apparently attempt to win cogent Hispanic abutment in a accepted election, admitting a lot of may accept a adventitious to about-face that around.
Of all the Republicans in the acreage Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio are the favorites a part of Hispanics. But the poll suggests even they are a harder sell.
Trump is beheld afield by 72 percent of Hispanics polled, with 6 in 10 accepting a actual abortive assessment of him. Only 11 percent appearance him favorably.
Clinton 'outraged' by delays for veterans gluttonous care
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Hillary Rodham Clinton's attack says she is "outraged" by abiding delays for veterans gluttonous medical affliction or to accept their affliction claims processed, but she opposes privatizing the system.
Republicans are analytic the Democratic presidential candidate's charge to veterans afterwards she said in an MSNBC account Friday that the VA aspersion had not been "as boundless as it has been fabricated out to be" and Republicans had politicized the agency.
Arizona Sen. John McCain says Clinton should apologize and says it shows a "total abridgement of appreciation" of the crisis adverse veterans' bloom care. Phoenix was the epicenter of the wait-time scandal.
Clinton's attack says she will outline affairs in November to accomplish added changes at the VA to ensure it works for veterans, but she opposes privatizing their care.
Merkel assured Germany can accommodate refugees
BERLIN (AP) -- Chancellor Angela Merkel says she charcoal assured Germany can accommodate the ample amount of refugees who are arriving, and is arguing that abounding will not break forever.
Germany has been the capital destination of Syrians and others gluttonous aegis in Europe. Merkel said at a boondocks anteroom accident in Nuremberg Monday that "there are very, actual many, but there are 80 amateur of us." She said "we can and will administer this integration" if Germany makes an accomplishment from the alpha to accommodate the newcomers.
Merkel said a lot of Syrians will get address for three years and abounding acceptable will wish to advice clean Syria if the war ends. She said the Geneva Convention on refugees obliges Germany to assure people, "but we don't accept the assignment of befitting anybody actuality for life."
Syrian opposition: Russian airstrikes capital noncombatant killer
UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- The Syrian National Coalition, the capital Western-backed action group, says aimless Russian aeriform attacks are now the arch analgesic of civilians.
Najib Ghadbian, the coalition's U.N. representative, said Russia's action in Syria is facilitating Admiral Bashar Assad's "war on civilians" and abolishment of abstinent action armament -- adverse to Moscow's affirmation that its attack is aimed at countering "terrorist agitator groups."
Ghadbian said in a letter to the U.N. Security Council on Monday that Russia has agitated out added than 297 airstrikes back initiating its attack on Sept. 30.
According to abstracts from Syrian Civil Defense accomplishment workers, he said, added than 436 civilians accept been dead back again and "more than bisected of these noncombatant deaths are anon attributable to Russian airstrikes."
UPDATE: Gov't bans e-cigarettes in airline passengers' arrested bags
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The government is arise down on e-cigarettes on commuter planes afterwards added than two dozen explosions and fires over about bisected a decade.
Battery-operated cyberbanking smoker accessories will no best be accustomed in arrested bags, and smokers will not be able to recharge the accessories while they're on the plane.
The aphorism still allows e-cigarettes in attache luggage.
UPDATE: IOC: Refugees acceptable to attempt in Olympics for 1st time
UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- The admiral of the International Olympic Committee says awful able athletes who are refugees will be accustomed to attempt in the Olympic Games for the aboriginal time.
IOC arch Thomas Bach fabricated the advertisement Monday to the U.N. Accepted Assembly, which adopted a resolution advancement all countries to stop angry and beam a accord during the 2016 Summer Olympics and Paralympics in Rio de Janeiro.
Liberty Medal presented to Dalai Lama's representatives
PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- The Alternative Medal has been presented to assembly of the Dalai Lama. He was clumsy to appear the Philadelphia commemoration for bloom reasons.
The Tibetan airy baton was alleged in June to accept the accolade for his efforts to advance benevolence and animal rights worldwide. The accolade comes with a $100,000 prize.
At Monday's National Constitution Center commemoration amateur Richard Gere alleged the Dalai Lama "one of the abundant ones" who "wants annihilation added than our happiness."
The Dalai Lama says in a video he abjure not getting able to appear and is committed until his afterlife to announcement animal values, including liberty.
The 80-year-old Dalai Lama accustomed a Nobel Cost in 1989. He has lived in banishment in India back a bootless 1959 Tibetan insurgence adjoin Chinese rule.
NEW: Video shows academy administrator casting apprentice in classroom
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) -- Sheriff's assembly and academy admiral in Columbia, South Carolina, say they're searching into video that shows a academy ability administrator casting a apprentice beyond a classroom floor.
The cellphone video, taken by addition student, shows Deputy Ben Fields allurement a babe at Spring Valley High Academy to get up from her desk.
When she refuses, he wraps his arm about her neck, tips the board astern and tosses the babe several anxiety beyond the floor.
The babe is again placed in handcuffs. The sheriff in Richland County says the apprentice was confusing in class.

Paul Walker new passage in Forbes dead superstar list

Fast and Furious star Paul Walker is another passage in the most recent Forbes rundown of top-acquiring dead VIPs.

Walker, who passed on in an auto crash in 2013, earned $10.5m (£6.8m) over the previous year and is in ninth spot.

Michael Jackson is number one for the third year running, with takings of $115m (£75m), down from the evaluated $140m he earned in 2014.

Elvis Presley is third with $55m (£35.8m), while Peanuts maker Charles Schulz is fourth with $40m (£26m).

In November Charlie Brown, Snoopy and co will hit the wide screen in The Peanuts Movie.

The most elevated positioning British-conceived section is Elizabeth Taylor at number five.

Here are the main 13 famous people on the Forbes list:

Michael Jackson: $115m (£75m)

Elvis Presley: $55m (£35.8m)

Charles Schulz: $40m (£26m)

Bounce Marley: $21m (£13.7m)

Elizabeth Taylor: $20m (£13m)

Marilyn Monroe: $17m (£11m)

John Lennon: $12m (£7.8m)

Albert Einstein: $11m (£7.1m)

Paul Walker: $10.5m (£6.8m)

Bettie Page: $10m (£6.5m)

Theodor Geisel (Dr Seuss): $9.5m (£6.1m)

Steve McQueen: $9m (£5.8m)

James Dea

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Milla Jovovich Reveals First Glimpse of 'Resident Evil: The Final Chapter' Scene

Milla Jovovich Reveals First Glimpse of 'Resident Evil: The Final Chapter' Scene

The Alice depicter shares more pictures from the set as well as a first look at an actual scene from the upcoming film.
Milla Jovovich has been keeping fans excited about the new "Resident Evil" movie by sharing pictures from the set. Now, she took it to a new level by teasing an actual scene from "Resident Evil: The Final Chapter".

The actress recently took to Instagram to post an image of an actual shot from the last installment of the sci-fi, action film franchise. The photo features her character Alice from the back with smoke seen in the not so far distance, hinting at a site of an explosion. "Alice. #screenshot #residentevilthefinalchapter #residentevilmovie #capetowndiary," so she captioned the pic.

Jovovich previously shared two more on-set photos, one of which showed the filming of a fight scene for which she and Ruby Rose were hung from wires. The other image featured Jovovich, Ali Larter, Fraser James and William Levy goofing around on the set.

"Resident Evil: The Final Chapter" is currently filming in Cape Town, South Africa with Paul W.S. Anderson returning behind the lens. The movie will see Alice returning to Raccoon City, where the Umbrella Corporation is gathering its forces for a final strike against her. In a race against time, Alice will join forces with old friends, and an unlikely ally, in an action packed battle, with undead hordes and new mutant monsters, to save humanity, which is on the brink of oblivion

Justin Bieber's Album Banned in the Middle East due to Singer's Cross Tattoo.

Justin Bieber's Album Banned in the Middle East due to Singer's Cross Tattoo

Some Muslim-dominated countries in the region as well as Indonesia take issue with the singer being shirtless and flaunting the tattoo on his chest in the album's cover art.
The cover art for Justin Bieber's upcoming studio effort "Purpose" is deemed too provocative by some countries in the Middle East. According to TMZ, these countries as well as Indonesia, which are dominated by Muslims, have banned the album as they take issue with the Canadian singer being shirtless in the artwork and flaunting the cross tattoo on his chest.

However, it's still too soon for Beliebers in the countries to get bummed out. The site goes on to report that Bieber's team is currently working on an alternate album art although it's still unclear how the revamped cover will look like.

"Purpose" is due out in the U.S. on November 13. Having spawned "What Do You Mean?" that peaked atop Billboard Hot 100, the album will battle for the No. 1 spot on the charts against One Direction's "Made in the A.M.". The British boyband's fifth studio effort is scheduled to arrive on the same day.

Emilia Clarke Poses Nude as Esquire's Sexiest Woman Alive

Emilia Clarke is named Sexiest Woman Alive by Esquire for the latest issue. Shedding her blonde wig, the brunette beauty poses nude while giving a sultry stare at the camera. Bed sheet was strategically placed to cover her modesty.

The nude cover and spread are accompanied by a story about "the gorgeous balance of Emilia Clarke." The "Game of Thrones" actress is described in the magazine as "friendly and fierce. Kid sister and killer. Movie star and girl next door."

Emilia Clarke Poses Nude as Esquire's Sexiest Woman Alive

"She manages to bring together a number of opposites, to make them natural: sweetness and toughness, emotionalism with a kind of cold-blooded determination. Something in these contrasts explains her sex appeal, too. She can play queen and kid sister, dominatrix and pal."

"[She] is unforgettable in 'Game of Thrones' and was hands down the number one choice of Esquire's staff, friends and family," Esquire's editorial projects director Lisa Hintelmann told The Associated Press.

Clarke recalled auditioning for the HBO show. "My agent told the casting director, 'I know that the breakdown for this character is tall and willowy and blonde. I know she's short and round and brown, but I'd like you to see her,' " she said. "I had two scenes which told me nothing and not very much time in which to read all those books. So I did what every good actor does and Wikipedia'd the living crap out of it."

Twenty three years old back then, she struggled when she first started on the show due to the rape scene and the amount of nudity. "Once, I had to take a little time out. I said I needed a cup of tea, had a bit of a cry, and was ready for the next scene," she remembered.

Don Jazzy and Timaya Appears tradional regalia on set of their new music video (Photos)


It is another moment to wait for a new music video that is been shot in the Nigeria music industry.
This time, it is coming from Don Jazzy and Timaya. It could have been a normal shooting of this music video except that the duo were seem on traditional regalia.
The new music video is for I Concor, which is a new song by Timaya featuring the ace music producer.
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© 2015

P-Square Gets Brand New Cars as Gift

Will it be proper to say that singing duo the P-Squares, are one of the Nigerian entertainers whose garage is needs more space for more cars coming his way.
The singers, who recently returned from their United State tour have just been welcomed with brand new cars form telecom company, Glo.
Peter Okoye got a brand new 2015 G-wagon while his brother, Paul, got a brand new 2015 Rang Rover spot vehicle.
Indeed, the duo are actually reaping the dividend of their hard work as they are both brand ambassadors of the company.
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Suya And Reasons You Should Consider Stopping Eating It.

Suya as it is being made and sold in many places should not be eaten because of the risks and dangers associated. I will try as much as possible to explain this in very simple and clear terms. This is to enable even a layman read and understand the message of this post. I promise not to mention terms such terms as benz[a]anthracene, Fasciola hepatica and Taenia saginata. In fact, forget I mentioned those three. All I just want you to know are the risks and dangers associated with eating just any Suya.

What is Suya?

If you are reading this, you probably know what Suya is. But by way of definition, Suya is a spicy skewered meat which is a popular food item in various parts of Nigeria and is enjoyed as a delicacy in many parts of West Africa. It is traditionally prepared by the Hausa people of northern Nigeria, Cameroon, Niger, and some parts of Sudan.

Health and Safety Issues Associated With Suya Consumption

Forget the dirty environment and poor or zero hygiene conditions in which Suya is made and handled in many places in Nigeria, there are other dangers that are inherent in the consumption of Suya – those that many would never know unless they are Food professional or have come across an article like this that explains it.

1. Suya and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)

You know when they say Cigarette kills? It is majorly due to the PAHs they contain. Many Suya sellers make their Suya by burning all sort of woods and charcoal to make their fire. Some even throw in such things as plastics to make their ember burn brighter in order to cook the Suya meat. Many of these materials burning under the meat contain these Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons — and do you know what these PAHs do in the body after enough consumption or exposure?
  1. Some PAHs are chemical carcinogens (cancer-causing compounds) while seven PAH compounds have also been classified as probable human carcinogens.
  2. Some PAH compounds are mutagens. Mutagen is a physical or chemical agent that changes the genetic material (DNA).
  3. According to a finding, reported in an article on, high prenatal exposure to PAH is associated with lower IQ and childhood asthma.

2. Potential of contacting zoonotic diseases

A zoonotic disease is a disease that can be passed between animals and humans. Since Suya meats are generally undercooked and in rare occasions carrying some blood on them, there is a chance that one could contact zoonotic diseases from Suya.
Take for example, during the Ebola Virus Disease outbreak, we were warned to stay away from Monkey and Bat meats. There was also a stern warning to always cook our meats very well before we eat them. Cooking meat very well cannot really be said of Suya.
Other type of diseases that can be passed from animals to humans include, LEPTOSPIROSIS, BRUCELLOSIS, BUBONIC PLAGUE, SALMONELLOSIS, etc.
Some zoonotic diseases can be passed from the host animal to human directly while others can be passed from consuming their products such as meat and milk.

3. Beef Tapeworm (Taenia saginata)

This is commonly known as the beef tapeworm – a zoonotic tapeworm. Like it was mentioned above, humans majorly get infected by consuming undercooked beef. The infection is may come without any noticeable symptoms but heavy infection can also occur with attendant symptoms. Heavy infection often results in weight loss, dizziness, abdominal pain, diarrhea, headaches, nausea, constipation, chronic indigestion, and loss of appetite. Heavy infections may cause intestinal obstruction in humans — this can be alleviated by surgery.
Suya can be very delicious and make a good delicacy if well cooked and appropriate types of woods are used for smoking.
For example, it is advised to cook/heat the Suya meat to a safe internal temperature around 80 degrees Celcius or more. Avoid adding plastics or fuels such as kerosene to the fire to make it burn better.
Finally, let me say that eating moderate amounts of smoked meat (Suya) without charring to a safe, yet medium temperature should not not pose a problem.

Veggies That Rev Up Your Sex Life

You probably already know that a diet rich in vegetables is good for your health and your waistline, but did you know certain veggies can support better sexual health?

Fresh organic vegetables are filled with phytonutrients and high levels of compounds that work to fight inflammation, like polyphenols and a host of vitamins – and, these particular veggies can even work to rev up your sex life.
Article:  Drink THIS first thing in the morning (for better energy, digestion, metabolism)
Arugula Arugula has long been used as an aid for sexual arousal, dating as far back as the 1st century. It contains trace minerals and antioxidants that block absorption of environmental contaminants which are believed to negatively impact the libido.
The French used to practice a time honored tradition of eating asparagus three times a day just before their wedding night in order to increase their libido, and research has shown there’s a reason why it just might work.
This tasty vegetable contains potassium, which can provide a burst of energy, in addition to cleansing the kidneys and urinary tract. Its aspartic acid content is said to neutralize ammonia in the body, which can lead to a lack of sexual desire as well as fatigue.
As avocados are rich in heart-healthy fats, they can help keep the heart beating strong, which means the blood is flowing to all the right places. Heart health is essential for a good sex life – men with underlying heart disease are twice as likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED).
Peppers are packed with capsaicin, which is known to trigger the release of feel-good endorphins that act like natural painkillers. They also increase the heartbeat along with the flow of blood and oxygen, helping to make things hotter in the sack.
veggiesBeets are rich in nitrates, and the bacteria on your tongue helps to convert them to nitrites, which are then converted to nitric oxide in the stomach. ED medications work by increasing nitric oxide levels, which increases blood flow to the penis by dilating blood vessels. Studies have also found that consuming beets can improve endurance levels in athletes – it’s not a far stretch to think they might help improve endurance in the bedroom.
Beets may be one of the best veggies for revving up your sex life, and improving your health.

What Would Happen to Our Food Supply without Bees?

From apples, oranges and pumpkins to carrots, nuts and coffee, nearly a third of the United States’ food supply depends on the honeybee to grow. Bee die-off isn’t some trendy eco-friendly cause taken up by a few bloggers and advocacy groups. It’s a real problem, and it’s one for which we are at fault.

What’s happening to bees?
Since the mid-1990s, pesticides called neonicotinoids have been widely used on farms and in landscaping. There are six neonicotinoids currently in use in the United States, but the one most commonly used is imidacloprid, and it’s highly toxic to bees. Imidacloprid and other neonicotinoids are considered systemic chemicals, meaning the plant absorbs the pesticide, and toxins course through the plant’s vascular system. This makes the leaves, stem, roots and even flowers poisonous to insects. While it’s an efficient way to stave off attacks from harmful insects, neonicotinoid use poses a deadly threat to bees and other pollinators. That’s because even the nectar and pollen of a plant treated with such toxins become poisonous.
According to the National Pesticide Information Center, imidacloprid disrupts normal neurological function, causing an insect’s nervous system to stop working the way it should. It is especially harmful to invertebrates, including bees, because it binds to neural receptors quite easily. Insects experience neurological failure and eventually die.
What do bees eat?
Worker bees create honey from the nectar they collect. In the hive, larvae consume honey and grow into bees; they will then carry on the lifecycle of the hive. When bees travel from one plant to another, they transfer the pollen that sticks to their bodies and legs to other plants, thereby helping to pollinate, or fertilize, them. Unfortunately, this in turn can help spread pesticides between plants.
What is bee colony collapse?
In 2006, beekeepers began noticing that their bees were disappearing. Bees that seemed to be healthy simply didn’t return to the hive one day, abandoning their home, larvae and queen. We call this event colony collapse disorder, and it’s likely that around a third of the United States’ bee colonies have vanished in this way. It’s believed that the primary cause of colony collapse disorder is exposure to pesticides and inadequate food supply.
Another of the neonicotinoids used in modern farming and landscaping is sulfoxaflor, which the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has deemed safe to use on most crops, including those that rely on pollinators for fertilization. However, the National Honey Bee Advisory Board and the attorneys at Earthjustice have fought back. “The effects will be devastating to our nation’s food supply and also to the beekeeping industry, which is struggling because of pesticides,” Attorney Janette Brimmer of Earthjustice said in a formal statement. The fight is a continuing one, though, and one with dire consequences if lost.
What will happen to our food supply?
Over 15 billion dollars worth of crops would be affected if bees were to vanish. Some of our favorite fruits, vegetables and field crops would simply not exist, severely limiting diversity in food and negatively affecting our health. The following are just some of the foods that would vanish with the bees:
  • Alfalfa hay
  • Almonds
  • Apples
  • Avocados
  • Blueberries
  • Broccoli
  • Cherries
  • Citrus fruits, including oranges, lemons and limes
  • Cotton
  • Cranberries
  • Cucumbers
  • Grapes
  • Legumes (beans and peanuts)
  • Olives
  • Onions
  • Peaches
  • Pumpkins
  • Strawberries
  • Sunflowers
  • Watermelons
beesWhat can we do to help the bees?
It doesn’t take joining a bee advocacy group or running a nonprofit organization to help the bees. We can help bees right from our own backyard. According to the UC Davis Häagen-Dazs Honey Bee Haven, there are a few easy things we can do at home to help the healthy continuation of local bees.
Include a variety of plants in your garden to support a year-round bloom season. Mint, roses and sunflowers are great options. Give bees colorful options in a variety of sizes. Surprisingly, bees display different preferences for bloom colors and sizes. Plant several varieties of the same species together so that bees have multiple blooms of the same type from which to choose.
Like every living thing on earth, bees also need water to survive. A shallow birdbath gives these precious pollinators a place to hydrate. If possible, provide bees with some good shelter. This could include simple solutions like paver stones set in sand or patches of bare soil. If you’re so inclined, there are a number of bee houses that can be purchased online. These tiny dwellings give bees the opportunity to take refuge from rain, heat or predators.
However you choose to help the bees, it makes a difference. If we are to stop bees – and a huge chunk of our food supply – from vanishing, we have to work together.
Can you imagine what it would be like to lose so many fruits, vegetables and crops? What’s your favorite way to help the bees from your backyard?

How to Relieve Headaches Using Trigger Points

Millions of people suffer from headaches every day. Whether it’s a mere dull ache or a full-blown migraine, headaches can be a real pain in the neck…or head! And while your first thought may be to reach for a pill or prescription, you can actually find relief naturally using nothing more than your own two hands.
Trigger points are essentially knots in the muscles that can cause a great deal of pain. While the knots themselves don’t actually hurt, the tension they cause leads to referral pain felt elsewhere. The most common trigger points for headaches are in the suboccipital muscles of the neck.

While there are several muscles that work as a team to move the head and jaw, the suboccipitals work overtime. As a group they are responsible for initiating the finer movements and stabilizing the head, which can weigh as much as a bowling ball. For those who sit straining at a computer screen all day, these muscles get a never-ending workout. It’s no wonder they get stressed!
The suboccipitals are located on both sides of the neck behind the base of the skull. They also work in contrast to the jaw muscles. Every time you chew, clench your jaw or grind your teeth, your jaw muscles tug on the fine suboccipitals, increasing the likelihood for knots to develop. Once they form, the tension can cause pain to radiate anywhere around the head, skull, neck or jaw.
Heading to the drugstore for a pain-killer may dull the ache but it won’t relieve the underlying problem. Research has shown that locating and deactivating these knots or “trigger points” is an effective headache treatment. Not to mention that it is far safer than continually popping pills.
Just like no two people are alike, neither are their headache-causing trigger points. To locate the source of your headache you can either have a massage therapist work on your occipital muscles or you can apply pressure yourself.
Begin at the base of the skull on both sides of your neck and apply moderate pressure. When you hit on a trigger point, the headache pain may be reproduced or you may feel referral pain in other parts of the neck or head. You can gently rub with your thumbs throughout the area to help relieve the tension.
trigger point
Another method is to lie down on your back with your neck resting on a tennis ball. Use the ball to work on the knots by gently moving your neck muscles along its surface.
You only need to work on these muscles for about ten minutes. Massaging too deeply for a prolonged period can irritate the muscles. If you’ve had chronic headaches and the knots are deep or complex, it may take a few sessions to fully relieve the headache pain. Try self-massage a few times a week. If your pain isn’t dissipating quickly enough, visit a massage therapist who can perform deeper tissue work.
A few sessions may be all it takes to relieve that pain in the … head!

Just in time for Halloween! Young couple get terrorized by crazed killer in haunted house for Eli Roth short movie Chainsaw

He has been dubbed one of the leading members of the Splat Pack.
And Eli Roth proved he has lost none of his touch in a brutal new short film Chainsaw, which has been released just in time for Halloween.
A young couple are terrorized, and ultimately chopped to bits, by a crazed killer in a haunted house in the schlock horror movie.
Scroll down for video... 
If you want blood: You get it in Eli Roth's new short Chainsaw that has been released just in time for Halloween
If you want blood: You get it in Eli Roth's new short Chainsaw that has been released just in time for Halloween
It starts with the mystery power-tool wielding maniac pulling up at a funfair in his car, 
Of course the long-haired man's face is never seen as he then ambles along the boardwalk with his killing implement of choice in hand.
When he finally arrives at his destination the killer's exasperated boss tells him: 'Where the f*** have you been we start in two minutes, you haven't any make-up on. Cool chainsaw.'
Asking for it: The preppy couple are shown mocking the ticket booth operator before they head inside
Asking for it: The preppy couple are shown mocking the ticket booth operator before they head inside
The wrong man to annoy: The embattled worker does not seem to amused at the antics of his customers
The wrong man to annoy: The embattled worker does not seem to amused at the antics of his customers
Giving them the special: The tickets seem to foreshadow their horrible fates
Giving them the special: The tickets seem to foreshadow their horrible fates
He then tellS an obliging assistant to go to work and, 'make him look scary.'
And he show's remarkable forbearance in not reaching for his chainsaw as he has to endure the make-up artist's toe-curling small talk, where she tells him: 'You're not much of a talker are you? What sign are you?'
The man's future victim's are then shown arriving outside the attraction insulting the ticket booth operator for refusing to offer them a discounted entry fee,
The boyfriend says: '40 dollars for a haunted house, we'd better die.'
Just another day at the pier: People do not seem shocked in the slightest to see the mystery killer sauntering around with his weapon of choice
Just another day at the pier: People do not seem shocked in the slightest to see the mystery killer sauntering around with his weapon of choice
'What's your star sign': The uncommunicative maniac has to endure the make-up artist's banter before heading in to chop up his victims
'What's your star sign': The uncommunicative maniac has to endure the make-up artist's banter before heading in to chop up his victims
Splat pack: Eli Roth is looking to further cement his position as a master of schlock horror with his new short
Splat pack: Eli Roth is looking to further cement his position as a master of schlock horror with his new short
And die they do for, after some amusing byplay inside the dark labyrinth which sees the girlfriend suggest they leave, they soon run into a chainsaw wielding man dressed in a fetching skull mask and white T-shirt ensemble.
After the boyfriend insults the worker, telling him to 'go get a real job bro,' the true bogeyman of the tale shows up, decapitating the pretender before tracking down his real prey.
To make matters worse, the young lady is shown pleading for help through a glass screen to some fellow attendees, who take delight in watching her death as they think it is all part of the act. 
Getting their money's worth: The dynamic duo are soon getting nervous as they wander around the attraction
Getting their money's worth: The dynamic duo are soon getting nervous as they wander around the attraction
Laughable: The boyfriend mocks the haunted house worker who jumps out with a chainsaw
Laughable: The boyfriend mocks the haunted house worker who jumps out with a chainsaw
You've stained my jeans: Even still the beau thinks it is just part of an elaborate show
You've stained my jeans: Even still the beau thinks it is just part of an elaborate show
Eli is the executive producer of the movIe, which was also produced by CryptTV’s Jack Davis and Andrew Alter.
The film is the first part of an attempt to create is an interactive digital story, with viewers being asked to help build Chainsaw’s backstory and mythology with ideas that may be used in future installments.
Anyone interested can go to to for further information.
I'll call you: She leaves her boyfriend to be butchered as she tries to make her escape
I'll call you: She leaves her boyfriend to be butchered as she tries to make her escape
Help: In time-honoured fashion the victim tries win the aid of some amused bystanders
Help: In time-honoured fashion the victim tries win the aid of some amused bystanders
He's behind you: Unfortunately they think she is just part of the thrill show
He's behind you: Unfortunately they think she is just part of the thrill show
Loving it: The couple happily munch on their red meat and potato chips while watching the butchery 
Loving it: The couple happily munch on their red meat and potato chips while watching the butchery 

Justin Bieber Banned for Pushing Jesus in Middle East

Topless Justin Bieber and symbols of Jesus Christ -- two things that just won't fly in the Middle East, where Justin's new album has been rejected for being too provocative. 
Sources close to the situation tell TMZ ... Bieber's "Purpose" album is getting the bum's rush in several Middle Eastern countries, as well as Indonesia -- predominantly Muslim regions. We're told the issue is twofold: Justin being shirtless, and the cross tattoo on his chest.
We're told team Bieber is scrambling right now to come up with an alternate cover for those countries -- 'cause let's face it, the bottom line is pushing the music and making money.
Still unclear at this point what imagery will be on the redesigned cover.

Tuesday, Oct 13th 2015 2AM 28°C 5AM 28°C 5-Day Forecast Home Top Paris train hero Alek Skarlatos appears unscathed on Dancing With The Stars hours after partner Emma Slater 'broke' his nose in rehearsals Read more:

  • Alek Skarlatos was twirling Emma Slater when her elbow hit his face
  • Last weekend he was in hospital visiting Spencer Stone, who was stabbed
  • Stone and Skarlatos were two of the three Americans to apprehend a terrorist on a train traveling from Amsterdam to Paris earlier this year 
  • Skarlatos is a student at the Oregon college where 9 were killed last week
  • More Dancing With The Stars news on Alek Skarlatos' broken nose

When stopping terrorist attacks is among your hobbies, obviously you're not going to let something trivial like a broken nose stop you.
Alek Skarlatos didn't have as much as a scratch on his face on Monday night's Dancing With The Stars, despite Emma Slater busting his face open just hours earlier.
The 23-year-old soldier was spinning his pro partner during rehearsals when she accidentally caught him with an elbow, busting his nose so badly the crew had to call in medics to attend to him.
Healed: Alek Skarlatos appeared unscathed on Dancing With The Stars despite Emma Slater 'breaking' his nose just hours earlier
Healed: Alek Skarlatos appeared unscathed on Dancing With The Stars despite Emma Slater 'breaking' his nose just hours earlier
‘I broke his nose,’ said the 26-year-old English beauty with a frown. ‘We just heard this crunch’.
Skarlatos later revealed doctors would confirm the diagnosis on Tuesday. 
Week five of the dancing competition saw the stars switch up their usual partners - and the chemistry between Emma and Alek was immediate. 
She admitted she ‘really wanted’ the Paris train hero to be her temporary partner, calling him ‘hench’ and ‘yolked’. 
Ouch: The 23-year-old soldier was spinning his pro partner during rehearsals when she accidentally caught him with an elbow 
Ouch: The 23-year-old soldier was spinning his pro partner during rehearsals when she accidentally caught him with an elbow 
Skills: Nevertheless the pair managed to dance a scintillating rumba together
Skills: Nevertheless the pair managed to dance a scintillating rumba together
Doctor! The dancer bust his nose so badly on Monday morning the crew had to call in medics to attend to him
Doctor! The dancer bust his nose so badly on Monday morning the crew had to call in medics to attend to him
‘In English that means phwar,’ she said, making a demonstration about his bulging biceps. 
‘I really like him,’ she conceded, before agreeing to go on a date with the hunky hero.
As they practiced their raunchy routine she instructed him to push his hands down her back and onto her bum, and Alek struggled to keep it together.
Hot: Week five of the dancing competition saw the stars switch up their usual partners - and the chemistry between Emma and Alek was immediate
Hot: Week five of the dancing competition saw the stars switch up their usual partners - and the chemistry between Emma and Alek was immediate
Pet names: Emma admitted she ‘really wanted’ the Paris train hero to be her temporary partner, calling him ‘hench’ and ‘yolked’
Pet names: Emma admitted she ‘really wanted’ the Paris train hero to be her temporary partner, calling him ‘hench’ and ‘yolked’
Dirty dancing: ‘In English that means phwar,’ she said, making a demonstration about his bulging biceps
Dirty dancing: ‘In English that means phwar,’ she said, making a demonstration about his bulging biceps
It's on: ‘I really like him,’ she conceded, before agreeing to go on a date with the hunky hero
It's on: ‘I really like him,’ she conceded, before agreeing to go on a date with the hunky hero
‘I tried to play it cool, but that lasted about ten minutes, I just couldn’t do it,’ he giggled. ‘She's just too hot. I couldn't keep my cool under those circumstances.'
And things only got steamier on the dancefloor, as the pair performed a sexy rumba together. 
After their performance Carrie Ann Inaba said she witnessed ‘something happening on the dance floor’ but she encouraged Alex to ‘practise his facial expressions in the mirror’. 
Hands on approach: As they practiced their raunchy routine she instructed him to push his hands down her back and onto her bum, and Alek struggled to keep it together
Hands on approach: As they practiced their raunchy routine she instructed him to push his hands down her back and onto her bum, and Alek struggled to keep it together
Chemistry 101: ‘I tried to play it cool, but that lasted about ten minutes, I just couldn’t do it,’ he giggled.
Chemistry 101: ‘I tried to play it cool, but that lasted about ten minutes, I just couldn’t do it,’ he giggled.
On the record: ‘She's just too hot. I couldn't keep my cool under those circumstances,' he said
On the record: ‘She's just too hot. I couldn't keep my cool under those circumstances,' he said
Heating up: And things only got steamier on the dancefloor afterward, as the pair performed a sexy rumba together
Heating up: And things only got steamier on the dancefloor afterward, as the pair performed a sexy rumba together
‘Well, part of his face was numbed by her elbow,’ joked the host Tom Bergeron.
Alek probably will not want to go back to his normal partner Lindsay Arnold, who got married just four months ago - incidentally with Emma as a bridesmaid. 
It's been an emotional few days for the Army National Guardsman. Just days earlier, his fellow train hero, Spencer Stone, was hospitalized with stab wounds sustained in a fight outside a bar in Sacramento.
And had Skarlatos not been on the ABC show, he would have been in class at Umpqua Community College in Oregon, where gunman Chris Harper-Mercer killed nine people last week. 
Only temporary: Alek probably will not want to go back to his normal partner Lindsay Arnold, who got married just four months ago - incidentally with Emma as a bridesmaid
Only temporary: Alek probably will not want to go back to his normal partner Lindsay Arnold, who got married just four months ago - incidentally with Emma as a bridesmaid
Rollercoaster: It's been an emotional few days for the Army National Guardsman: had henot been on the ABC show, he would have been in class at Umpqua Community College in Oregon, where gunman Chris Harper-Mercer killed nine people last week
Rollercoaster: It's been an emotional few days for the Army National Guardsman: had henot been on the ABC show, he would have been in class at Umpqua Community College in Oregon, where gunman Chris Harper-Mercer killed nine people last week
Lucky: Just days earlier, his fellow train hero, Spencer Stone, was hospitalized with stab wounds sustained in a fight outside a bar in Sacramento 
Lucky: Just days earlier, his fellow train hero, Spencer Stone, was hospitalized with stab wounds sustained in a fight outside a bar in Sacramento