Wednesday 17 August 2016


How to Join the Illuminati


“How to Join the Illuminati?” is by far the question I get asked most on this site and via private messages from my Facebook page. I feel bad for not replying or calling back people who ask me this question and requesting that I put them in touch with the elusive and all powerful Illuminati.
Hopefully, I can redirect them here and avoid possible bankruptcy, disappointment, or even bloodshed.😉 (See how NOT to join the Illuminati below)

What is the Illuminati?

The term ‘Illuminati’ means different things to different people and its use has become ambiguous.
There is a multitude of different versions of what exactly the Illuminati is, but most researchers agree that the group consist mainly of the upper crust of the world’s financial and political elite.
Generally, it’s used as a catch-all term to describe the One Percenters, the oligarchs, the plutocrats, or the ruling class whose combined wealth and power influence every aspect of our daily lives.

Who can join the Illuminati?

Anyone can join the Illuminati.
But, some have a much better chance than others. It’s not an even playing field.

How to you join the Illuminati?

There are three ways you can join the Illuminati:

No.1 Born to it

Born to it

No.2 Serve it

Serve it

No.3 Take it

Take it
Born to it: The easiest method of joining the all-powerful by far is being born into a wealthy family who are already prime movers and shakers in world affairs.
Serve it: If you aren’t wealthy at birth, it’s possible for you to join the Illuminati by becoming part of its machinery for world control.
Take it: If you refuse to be subservient to anyone, then there’s only one way for you to join, you must grab it!

3 ways you can Join the Illuminati

No.1 Born to it.

If you are here, you most-likely know it.
Most of your income comes in the form of interest on bonds, rents from real estate properties or dividends on stocks. You might work, but you don’t need to. You were groomed for your position from an early age. You own or control a string of media outlets and your influence extends from Wall Street to the Beltway. Your grandfather was also rich. You are “Old Money”. You are an insider.
Even being born to it, you still need to be relatively intelligent, attend the right schools and make the proper connections. You must cultivate philanthropies to maintain the image of a great caretaker. You must appear to be a man or woman of the people. However, you must make sure that your philanthropic works further your social engineering goals. You must continue funding elite think tanks and other policy-making groups.
Guard against your close family members and in-laws as they are most likely to be your most fierce competition for the throne.
An examination of Forbes’ List revealed that over 40% of the richest people in the world were born with sufficient wealth to make the list.
David Rockefeller, Oil and Banking
David Rockefeller

David Rockefeller, Oil and Banking

David is the grandson of oil magnate and the richest person in recorded history John D. Rockefeller who held an estimated fortune of $336 billion (in today’s dollars) at the time of his death. At its height, Standard Oil and its conglomerates controlled over 90% of all oil sold in the United States.
Standard Oil – a tentacle in every pie
Standard Oil – a tentacle in every pie
David Rockefeller was born to extreme wealth and was sufficiently bright to take helm of the family fortune and become a major player in globalization and the spread of Anglo-American corporate influence throughout the world. He chose the private sector and took charge the Chase Manhattan Bank in which he was the largest individual shareholder. Rockefeller Foundation funds the Bilderberg Group and the Council on Foreign Relations. Rockefeller himself is a founder of the Trilateral Commission, another important policy-making think tank.

Kykuit – Rockefeller Estate at Pocantico Hills:
William Vanderbilt, railroads
William Vanderbilt

William Vanderbilt, Railroads and Shipping

“Billy” was the son of railroad tycoon and richest man in the United States, Cornelius Vanderbilt. William Vanderbilt inherited an estate worth around $100 million (~$2.5 billion today) and was able to nearly double his fortune by the time of his own death less than a decade later. His ancestor’s would go on to build stately estates and a string of mansions along New York’s prestigious 5th Avenue.

No.2 Serve it.

If you weren’t born into the Illuminati, you have the option of joining them by becoming useful or, hopefully, even indispensable to them. You can to this by fulfilling one of their many needs. Again, you must attend the right schools and be highly intelligent. The right schools include Oxford and Cambridge in the UK and Princeton, Yale and Harvard in the United States. (See David Rothkopf’s Superclass)
Your goal is to distinguish yourself and become the best in a field that members of the elite have a vested interest in. You will be asked to join some of their invite-only societies such as the Trilateral Commission, The Council on Foreign Relations or the Bilderberg Group. (See Top 10 Secret Societies)
If you can’t make can’t make it to the One Percent Club, you can still join a guild and have a very comfortable living as a Ten Percenter. You can join either the private sector or the government sector.
For those who are especially bright, it is easier to gain power and influence in the government sector as top positions in the private sector are often reserved for cousins and nephews of the ruling class.
Be aware that you might be useful for a short while and be thrown to the wolves when you cease to be useful. (Michael Milken, Manuel Noriega, Saddam Hussein, etc.)
Expect to fall on your own sword, if things ever get hairy. (Oliver North, Richard Nixon, Kenneth Lay)
Henry Kissinger
Henry Kissinger, Harvard, Bilderberg, CFR, Trilat
Zbigniew Brzezinski
Zbigniew Brzezinski, Harvard, Bilderberg, CFR, Trilat (co-founder)

No.3 Take It.

If you are not born a billionaire and you refuse to be subservient to the current members of the Illuminati, you’re only option is to take it. Meaning, you must yourself become a billionaire and use your financial means to gain influence and power.
Who is John Galt? If you don’t know, find out. You might feel bad about laying off thousands of people, busting unions, or polluting water supplies in order to increase the bottom line. This will help.
Being the head of a monopoly alone might not be sufficient unless it’s a basic necessity such as oil or water. Being the West coast king of hair salons might afford you a very decent lifestyle, but it won’t gain you entry into the ruling class. ‘New Money’ alone is not enough.
Buying media outlets and other influential industries are safe bets that might just give you a seat on the Illuminati’s inner circle. If you have an insight into the future, you might be able to gain a foothold in a key industry and force your way into their inner circle – a “brute force” attack.
You will be invited to the Council on Foreign Relations first and then the Trilateral Commission and gradually make your way into more exclusive and powerful elite groups. You will be asked to attend a few Bilderberg Group meetings and eventually be asked to join on a permanent base.
Nathan Rothschild, Banking
Nathan Rothschild

The Rothschilds – Bankers

Mayer Rothschild grew up in a Frankfurt Jewish ghetto and made a living as a rare coin dealer before branching out into banking. He progressively sent his five sons to different European countries thus founding the Rothschild International Banking Dynasty.
Rothschild Pillar
Rothschild Pillar
Mayer’s third eldest son, Nathan Rothschild was instrumental in greatly increasing the family’s fortune. Near the turn of the 19th century, Nathan left the family home to expand the family’s interest in England. According to Nathan’s own words he arrived in Manchester with £20000 entrusted to him by his father in order to get started in the textile import business. (historian Niall Ferguson notes that the story is unlikely since this sum would have been more than double the Rothschilds entire net worth for the previous year. – See his The House of Rothschild: Volume 1, p. 49)
Nathan soon moved to London City and began dealing in currency exchange, government bonds and gold bullion. By the time of his death, he was the richest man in the world and his net worth made up .62% of Great Britain’s economy! (a feat yet to be surpassed by anyone to date)
Each of the brothers also made fortunes in their own territories with the younger James considered the richest man in France. When you combine the assets of each individual member, the family is considered the richest family in recent history surpassing even that of the oil-rich Saudi royal family. (Ferguson, p. 483)
Andrew Carnegie, Steel Magnate
Andrew Carnegie

Andrew Carnegie, Steel

Carnegie was born to great poverty but thanks to his intellect and excellent memory, he was able to make important strategic connections with power brokers and through a series of insider trading scheme eventually become one of the richest man in history. (.60% of entire US economy)
From a lowly telegrapher he was able to work his way up the railroad industry and learn the corrupted business practices necessary to successfully build an empire. That is, always giving your higher-ups a generous cut of the proceeds. His railroad-connections assured that he always had a market for his product.
Carnegie was one of the first steel producers to take advantage of new technologies and was able to make extremely rapid profits allowing him to buy out his competitors.
In 1901, Carnegie sold his Carnegie Steel Company to JP Morgan for $492 million. This was so much money that they had to build a special vault in order to keep it in. JP Morgan combined Carnegie’s company with other steel manufacturer to form US Steel, the largest corporation in the world at the time.

BONUS! 3 Ways NOT to Join the Illuminati

1. Avoid Blood Sacrifices

Professor Griff
Professor Griff
Illuminati “researcher” Professor Griff from hip hop group Public Enemy believes that Jay Z, Nicki Minaj and other celebrities all had to sacrifice someone close to them in order to be able to join the Illuminati and achieve success. Kanye West chose fame over his own mother while basketball legend Michael Jordan had to give up his father. 😐 Twenty-seven year old aspiring artist Wafeeq Sabir El-Amin attempted such a sacrifice and is apparently yet to reap the financial rewards or getting any recording contracts. (SEE: TOP 10 Illuminati Celebrities)
Rule of thumb: Human Sacrifice = Jail time
Authors Fritz Springmeier and David Icke both include copious amounts of blood sacrifices in their theories, but unlike Professor Griff and John Todd’s open membership version of the Illuminati where anyone is able to join as long as they first strike a deal with the devil, Icke and Springmeier describe a more exclusive club.
In their versions, the Illuminati is ruled by 13 prominent families to which you must be born into or intermarry with in order to join the Illuminati. You might be able to join the lower Illuminati ranks and help in accomplishing its goal, but unless you are from one of these families, you will never reach the capstone of the pyramid.
Fritz Springmeier writes that 13 Satanic Illuminati Bloodlines rule the world. According to Fritz, the Illuminati families are: 1. Astor 2. Bundy 3. Collins 4. DuPont 5. Freeman 6. Kennedy 7. Li 8. Onassis 9. Rockefeller 10. Rothschild 11. Russell 12. Van Duyn 13. Merovingian with the Reynolds, Disney, Krupp and McDonald families intermarried into the thirteen Illuminati Bloodlines.
Fritz on the importance of blood sacrifice to the Illuminati:
When a member of an Illuminati bloodline reaches the age of 3, he or she is taken to meet an Illuminati Grande Mother, a high-level Satanic priestess. These meetings are held twice a year and are attended by all Illuminati families and their Mothers of Darkness. The Grande Mother examines and evaluates seven Illuminati children. If the child is worthy of entry into the Illuminati, he or she is assigned to one of the Illuminati bloodline. For each approved child, another is sacrificed and his or her blood is used to write the name of the newly approved Illuminati child. [in a great white book]
~See 13 Illuminati Bloodlines
But the conspiratorial rabbit hole goes further than that… much, much further than that… All the way to the Draco system in the far reaches of space, in fact.
David Icke
David Icke
David Icke claims that 13 Reptilian Illuminati bloodlines collectively rule the world. The key difference is that HIS bloodlines are descendants of aliens. So, unless you have Reptilian blood flowing through your veins, you’re sh!t out of luck. (“Blueblood” get it??) Also, he’s updated Springmeier’s list to make it more appealing to a modern audience. (If anything, Icke is a terrific promoter. I mean come on, Fritz, WTF are the Freemans?)
David Icke’s 13 Illuminati families are: 1. Rothschild (Bauer or Bower) family. Other Illuminati families include: 2. Bruce; 3. Cavendish (Kennedy); 4. De Medici; 5. Hanover; 6. Hapsburg; 7. Krupp; 8. Plantagenet; 9. Rockefeller; 10 . Romanov; 11. Sinclair (St. Clair); 12. Warburg (del Banco); and of course, 13. Windsor (Saxe-Coburg and Gotha).
The Blood sacrifice allegations directed at devil worshippers, and now at the Illuminati, most probably originates with the blood libel accusations first directed at the Jews. (Even the communists have recently been accused of boiling babies – Commonly used in dehumanizing the enemy)

2. Don’t Buy a DVD and/or attend seminars

This guy gets it.
This guy gets it.
Do you want MORE MONEY? Do you want to PAY ALL YOUR DEBTS?
Do you want to TRAVEL and meet INTERESTING people?
Do you want to LIVE FOREVER?
Do you want to be FAMOUS?
To Get ANY women/men you want?
To Fulfill ALL your DREAMS and DESIRES?
If you answered YES to ANY of these questions then the ILLUMINATI is for YOU!!!
The ILLUMINATI is the MOST POWERFUL secret society in the WORLD. The order occupies the very top of the power pyramid and rules over other secret societies such as the Freemasons, the Trilateral Commission, Skull and Bones, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, and the Bohemian Grove.
All this and more by joining the Illuminati! Operators are standing by.
If this sounds like it’s too good to be true, that’s because it is.
❗Beware of various scams that asks you to send in money for membership into the Illuminati.
If you ever reach a point where you are powerful or influential enough, the Bilderbergers will ask you to attend one of their meetings.
You will be asked to join influential groups such as the Trilateral Commission or the Council on Foreign Relations.
For non-Americans, the Queen of England granting you a knighthood can also be a sign that you have been accepted by the Establishment.
You will not receive an “invitation” to send in $2000 to attend a get-rich-quick seminar.
NO blood Sacrifice! NO Mess! FREE Trial Period!
No blood Sacrifice!
One such scam is Kevin Trudeau’s “Meet Illuminati Members” (at and his Global Information Network. His hook sounds very much like the above. Kevin claims to have been taught the laws of attraction by “the Brotherhood” at the age of 15. This allowed him to use brain frequencies to attract whatever he wanted which made him a millionaire by the time he was 18.
Despite being sworn to secrecy by the Brotherhood, Trudeau and his Meet Illuminati Members promises wealth and entrance into the all-powerful Illuminati. It all begins with buying a CD set for $197 from his website which guarantees you a “PERSONAL INVITATION To Join A PRIVATE Group Made Of Millionaires & Celebrities”. (e.g. The “chance” to attend his seminar – CDs = Trudeau’s Trojan horse)
If you don’t buy a ticket to one of his seminars (where he will reprogram your brain to the right frequency) right now, you’ll “always be a loser!” Don’t worry, there’s 90-Days Money back guaranteed! So even losers have nothing to lose!
On the plus side, Kevin’s methods do not require any blood sacrifice! You might end up broke, but at least you won’t be in jail!
A lot of this might sound a lot like an infomercial to some of you. That’s because Trudeau is the infomercial king peddling everything from cures to AIDS and Cancer to weight loss cures (which got him in trouble with the FTC). And now, membership into the Illuminati.
Trudeau uses the exact same 13 Illuminati bloodlines as Fritz Springmeier’s as well the four intermarried families listed by Fritz to get a total of seventeen Illuminati bloodlines. Hmm… They are: 1. Astor 2. Bundy 3. Collins 4. DuPont 5. Freeman 6. Kennedy 7. Li 8. Onassis 9. Rockefeller 10. Rothschild 11. Russell 12. Van Duyn 13. Merovingian 14. Reynolds 15. Disney 16. Krupp 17. McDonald.
Illuminati researcher Mark Dice mercilessly exposes Kevin Trudeau as well as numerous Illuminati profiteers and general bullsh!ters such as John Todd and Bill Schnoebelen in his book Illuminati: Fact or Fiction.

3. DON’T Send random Illuminati-related websites your contact information

I'm just this guy, you know?
I’m just this guy, you know?

To know more on how to become part of the uncommon like and message our page

Saturday 21 May 2016

OMG!! Wonder shall never seize to Happen... See What This Heartless Man Did to this Young NIgerian Gir..l

Mrs. Osemalu E., a former staff of Ambrose Alli University, and a residence of 2 Uwenlebor all in  Ekpoma, Edo state writes;

Edith Osemelu got married to Obehi Onuwabhagbe, a pastor of a Pentecostal Church in Ekpoma, on June, 2015. Obehi informed me of his change of church after three months of the marriage.
As narrated to me by my late daughter, after three months of change of church, Obehi requested that Edith my daughter should come and assist him in his shop on a faithful night due to over bearing works he had to attend, she obliged. Edith, a pregnant woman was hit on the ear by a hanged touch light while she was sleeping that night. The ear was swollen after three days with pulse inside. Obehi assisted in extracting the pulse. The situation got worse as Edith’s hands and legs got swollen. She was rushed to Irrua Teaching Hospital, Otibhor, Irrua, Edo State. But, Edith died after 5 days. Very painful that I only got to know about my late daughter’s sickness when I called her as Obehi did not call or inform me of anything.
Edith told me before her death that her mother inlaw visited her on her sick bed with the claim that her problems were caused by her son’s ex girl friend. Her mother in law also claimed that she was told by a pastor that they are after her son’s life which prompted her to make some sacrifices and that it was unfortunate that she is being taken in place of her son. My daughter Edith, also narrated her dream to her sister on how a man was dragging her unborn child in her womb which she also told her husband who suggested the discuss with her mother in law.
Edith was good to her mother in la w as she assisted her often during their curtship. I am totally confused on what went wrong and what my in law has done with my daughter Edith.
I appeal to my audience to join me prayer so that God will expose anyone responsible for my daughter’s death.
Oh God, if Elvis has used Arthur to kill Edit, or Obehi’s family is responsible for Edith’s death, do not keep silent but put them to shame and let them humiliated, disgraced and die.


Friday 4 December 2015

Why My Husband Doesn’t Want People To See Our Baby -Tiwa Savage

Tiwa_SavageNigerian singer, Tiwa Savage in an interview with Genevieve Magazine has explained why she and her husband , Tee billz have decided not to reveal the face of her baby just yet adding that she didnt bond with her baby immediately.
According to her,
‘Well that’s his dad’s decision. Every mother wants everyone to see the picture of her baby. I want everyone to see how cute he is but I understand my husband’s perspective too. He is the head of the house so I have to respect his wishes. Eventually, we will reveal his face but for now, he wants only close family and friends to have the special moment to bond and not share it with the world yet.’

She also reflected on motherhood so far, recounting how it was hard to bond with her child after he was born.
‘I’m going to be as candid as I can be and Genevieve is the only press I’ve ever told. They say you bond instantly with your baby but I didn’t have that instant connection. I was in a 20-hour labour and just when I was about to push him out, his heart rate dropped, so there was a lot of panic in the room and we were all in tears. Then, when he eventually came out, everyone screamed “congratulations” and they had to put him on my chest to bond. Instead, when they did, I said “he is beautiful, but can I sleep for just one hour?”

Mercy Johnson Attacked By Fans After Congratulating Tchidi Chikere And Nuella Njubigbo On Their Wedding

Veteran Nollywood actress, Mercy Johnson seem to have bought herself some trouble.
The heavily pregnant actress innocently congratulated Nollywood filmmaker Tchidi Chikere and actress Nuella Njubigbo on their wedding.
The two Nollywood stars got married on December 2, 2015 at the Ikoyi Marriage Registry.
Mercy Johnson congratulated the new couple saying:  “My bossman and madam didn’t tell me o.lolzzz congratulations dear ones and may God keep love to my baby tess on her 1st birthday“.
The actress got a lot of backlash from her fans for congratulating the new couple especially Nuella Njubigbo who was called a ‘husband snatcher’.
A comment went as far as saying Mercy Johnson was a husband snatcher herself in reference to the early drama between Mercy Johnson and her husband’s ex-wife.

Inquiry examines brutal SAS training course and how three men died during 2013 ‘death march’

The Brecon Beacons are the tallest mountains in southern Britain and they’ve claimed their share of victims.

THERE’S a training course so difficult it’s tackled by only the world’s fittest, strongest men. Most of those who try it come out with battle scars — mental and physical. Some don’t come out at all.
The challenge, for those who choose to accept it, is days of timed marches carrying heavy gear in blistering heat or freezing cold conditions. The marches are colloquially termed “death marches” for the toll they take on participants’ bodies.
The prize for completing the course is a place with the British Special Air Service, or SAS, but getting there requires sacrifices most aren’t willing — or able — to make.
Three men, including an Australian, died trying to complete the gruelling test of endurance in 2013 and this week one of the men’s parents told an inquiry the SAS was “indifferent to injury or death” and gave the impression “the lives of (our) loved ones had no value”.
The inquiry poses important but ongoing questions: Does the SAS ask too much of recruits when it pushes them to the edge of what’s humanly possible? Is it okay to expect that only the strongest survive?
It’s called the Special Forces Aptitude Test but it’s not like any other test.
Held during the height of summer and the depths of winter in Welsh countryside known as the Brecon Beacons, soldiers aiming to secure the famous golden wings of the SAS are asked to do the near impossible.
The course was first designed in the 1950s and has remained the same through seven decades. It involves a climb over Pen Y Fan, the highest peak in the picturesque mountain range and the highest in southern Britain. Participants carry a huge rucksack, a rifle and just a single bottle of water.
It’s a test of endurance and will power. The march must be completed without stopping over a course that some say is 64km and passes through the most difficult terrain imaginable. You quit and you’re out.
Australian Corporal James Dunsby “begged for water” before his death in 2013.
Australian Corporal James Dunsby “begged for water” before his death in 2013.Source:Supplied
Not surprisingly, it takes its share of victims. Most drop out before completing the march. Some persevere, to their ultimate demise. ‘Who dares wins’, after all, is the SAS motto.
Reservists Lance Corporal Craig Roberts, Trooper Edward Maher and Corporal James Dunsby, formerly from Hobart, collapsed under the pressure during sweltering weather in the summer of 2013.
Two of the soldiers — Maher and Roberts — died that day in July. Dunsby died in hospital two weeks later from multiple organ failures.
A coroner concluded that “serious mistakes and systemic failures” amounted to “neglect” in the men’s deaths. Witnesses would later tell how all three men were seen dressed in full combat gear, begging for water, on one of the hottest days of the year. They were urged to go on. They did and it cost all three their lives.
The parents of Edward Maher, who died aged 34, told MPs investigating the Ministry of Defence’s safety record this week the SAS is “out of control”.
Edward Maher Snr and his wife Marie said in a statement the SAS pushed their son too far. They said the worst part is that the organisation is held “above the law”.
“Our perception is the SAS appears to be answerable only to the Secretary of State for Defence … (and) appears to be currently exempt from the broader legal and financial penalties that regulate every other organisation in the UK,” they said.
“We believe an organisation which is not subject to control is, by definition, out of control.
“We cannot accept that (those running the SAS selection course) should not be answerable in law in cases where people die as a result of their gross neglect. This effectively makes them unique among all UK citizens and puts them above the law
“The complete absence of any punitive fines on special forces when they neglectfully cause death leaves families with the perception that the lives of their loved ones had no value. It leaves families with the perception that the SAS has caused death but has not ‘paid’, in any sense, for its errors,” the pair said.
More than a dozen men have died trying to complete the course over the years. In 2011 Royal Marine Benjamin Poole, 26, died at the end of one of the marches. Poole had been sent on a five-minute ­punishment run immediately before his march and collapsed less than a kilometre from the final checkpoint.
In 1981, two candidates died during the selection test. In 1979 Major Mike Kealy died of hypothermia on the Brecon Beacons.
Mr and Mrs Maher hope their son’s death will be the last in a string of deaths attributed to the mountain and those recruits who go up and down it.
For its part, the SAS says it is making changes. Major General Christopher Tickell, head of the Army’s recruiting division, told the inquiry safety shortcomings had led to officer’s being sacked.
The inquiry is expected to last several weeks.

Dr Chris Brown strips down to a loin cloth to promote new season of I’m a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here

Jungle ready ... Dr Chris Brown stripped down for to play Tarzan to Julia Morris’s Jane for a new I'm a Celebrity ... Get Me Out of Here promo shoot. Picture: Ten
Tiffany DunkNews Corp Australia Network

WHEN Dr Chris Brown received a brief to play Tarzan in the first promotional shoot for season two of I’m a Celebrity … Get Me Out of Here!, he thought someone was pulling his leg.
“I rang (the executive producer) laughing hysterically over what they had in mind just to check if it was a joke or not,” he said. “It wasn’t.”
Doing it for Julia ... Dr Chris Brown says he donned a loin cloth just for his I’m a Celeb co-host. Picture: Ten
Doing it for Julia ... Dr Chris Brown says he donned a loin cloth just for his I’m a Celeb co-host. Picture: TenSource:Channel 10
Despite having turned down numerous requests in the past to play Tarzan for magazine shoots, Brown agreed to strip down for the two day shoot for his co-host Julia Morris.
“Julia’s had some meaningful scenes on House Husbands but I feel like Jane was the role she was born to play,” he said. “She really relishes it.”
Me Jane, him Tarzan ... Julia Morris was over the moon on the set of the I’m a Celeb promo shoot. Picture: Ten
Me Jane, him Tarzan ... Julia Morris was over the moon on the set of the I’m a Celeb promo shoot. Picture: TenSource:Channel 10
In fact, Morris delighted in the role so much that Brown joked they had a safe word during the two day shoot which saw her clinging gleefully to his back.
“I went home with all sorts of scratches and bruises and marks on my body,” he said. “Forget the vines, forget the falls, most of them are directly attributable to one Julia Morris. I have a new respect for stunt men.”
Despite doing the majority of the shoot himself, there was one hair-raising stunt Brown wasn’t allowed to do for safety reasons.
Swingers ... Julia Morris and Dr Chris Brown in action at the I’m a Celebrity shoot. Picture: Ten
Swingers ... Julia Morris and Dr Chris Brown in action at the I’m a Celebrity shoot. Picture: TenSource:Channel 10
Being assigned a body double, who donned a blond bouffant wig to match the TV vet’s hair was “pretty much my favourite part of the entire day,” he said.
Admitting to having snuck in a few extra gym sessions to get loincloth ready, Brown said a trip for the The Living Room a week prior to the shoot almost sabotaged his sixpack.
Shooting a travel story in rural Queensland alongside chef and colleague Miguel Maestre, the duo spent much of their time eating on the road — not ideal when you have to wear what Brown described as “essentially a leather mini skirt”.
“The loin cloth doesn’t hide much,” he laughed.
Despite the fun he had making the promo, Brown has vowed to keep his shirt on during the two months I’m a Celeb … will be on air early next year.
“Tarzan’s has retired to another vine,” he said.
“(But) this gave Julia and I enough material to make each other laugh for the entire Africa trip I think.”

The insane security machine behind Taylor Swift during Nova Red Room appearance on Hamilton Island

Sunrise Reporter Michelle Tapper kicked off Hamilton Island for Taylor Swift's birthday

SECURITY for Taylor Swift is so tight during her tour of Australia that she has four* personal bodyguards assigned to her alone.
Nova 969’s Fitzy and Wippa spoke to after their Red Room coup with Swift on Hamilton Island last night, where just 100 people were invited to see her perform a very private gig.
The radio duo, the only media outlet in the world to secure an interview with Swift during her 1989 tour, said there was a “machine” behind the singer working to make sure her security and privacy is maintained at all times.
“We were sitting backstage waiting for her to arrive and it was just like the president had entered the building,” Wippa said of the moment Swift arrived backstage with her security in tow.
“I thought I’d seen it all with One Direction. When they came into the Nova building there was security on every level, they changed the traffic lights so the boys could get straight through the city, but this was even bigger, (four*) personal security guards with her, just on her.”
Fitzy said there was one of her personal security guards assigned to every door she needed to walk through as well as three security guards watching to see if anyone had their phones out during the gig.
Taylor swift plays Nova’s Red Room on Hamilton Island last night.
Taylor swift plays Nova’s Red Room on Hamilton Island last night.Source:News Corp Australia
“It was a big operation and obviously there was a paparazzi everywhere,” he said. “Taylor Swift is probably the number one brand in the world at the moment and I can understand why they want to protect it, but she is so big that you do need (that many) security guards just to lead the life she wants to lead, that personal life that she wants to keep private.”
Wippa said her security posse was almost “intimidating”.
“All the phones had to be handed in so no photos until after the show, but it was all very The Bodyguard, speaking in earpieces, a lot of whispering and talking into wrists and hands over mouths. One security guard had this big scar on his arm and you couldn’t help but think ‘oh gee that’s what happened when the last person attempted to take a selfie with Taylor’. It looked like he’s been attacked by a crocodile.”
Wippa said he was told there were 83 people that had flown to work full-time on the tour with Swift on top of the 140 more for the arena shows.
“From the word go yesterday it was all a process and we only saw half of it because the Nova team were working behind the scenes on the finer detail. We had to be there earlier in the day to go through the routine and how it was all going to work. I knew it was serious when Fitzy said ‘I don’t think I should have any more beers before the show’ I thought ‘hang on a minute’, Australia’s biggest bogan is taking this seriously.”
Some of Taylor Swift’s touring crew while in Australia.
Some of Taylor Swift’s touring crew while in Australia.Source:Instagram
The boys and the Nova team had worked for months behind the scenes to get everything fed through multiple people on Team Swift before it got the go ahead — and there was very much a list of rules to abide by.
“You have to get approval for everything and that’s not approval from one person, it’s approval from four people,” said Fitzy.
But all that preparation didn’t stop Wippa from committing the ultimate Taylor Swift faux pas — calling one of her cats by the wrong name.
“The questions we asked had all been approved, (no personal questions and nothing about her love life) and that changes it from the normal flow of a conversation and knowing that there was only limited questions and limited time, for me to get the name of one of the cats wrong was just a devastating moment. I felt like one of those cyclists in the Olympics that have trained for four years and then their foot slips off the pedal at the start of the race and you go ‘oh I did all that work and I got it wrong’. What a mess. What a mess.”
Taylor Swift fans gather for her gig at the Hamilton Island Yacht Club.
Taylor Swift fans gather for her gig at the Hamilton Island Yacht Club.Source:News Corp Australia
Despite the total media ban and privacy of Hamilton Island, the boys said Swift had lamented that she couldn’t totally relax during her stay.
“She spent most of her time in the room at Qualia unfortunately,” said Wippa, “she said she loved it and it was great to recharge but she said ‘I couldn't even walk outside because there were boats everywhere with paparazzi on them.’”
— Sam Burgess and Russell Crowe were desperate to attend. “I got a call off Sammy Burgess and they were a kilometre off shore on a boat and they were thinking about coming over but they were too late and they didn’t make it in time,” said Fitzy.
— Swift had not one but two private jets fly to Hamilton Island. Added Wippa: “The first one had Taylor, her mum, her security manager and radio manager on board. But the brother was on Jet 2, he was team B, he didn’t even make the first jet.”
Taylor Swift with her mum Andrea, her brother Austin and Willy the Koala on Hamilton Island.
Taylor Swift with her mum Andrea, her brother Austin and Willy the Koala on Hamilton Island.Source:Instagram
— Taylor likes to know her success in numbers. “Taylor was adamant she wanted to know how many number ones she’d had in Australia to thank her fans,” said Wippa, “so just before she went on stage, her mum was like ‘hang on, hang on, hang on, how many number ones. The mum wanted to know, so everyone was running around asking and googling it, it was a frantic last minute check”.
— Fitzy can’t believe it, but he cried at the gig. “I’m not a massive Taylor Swift fan,” he said. “I’m a 38-year-old man who likes AC/DC but when she started playing there was a moment that I saw a 15-year-old girl who was there with her dad and Taylor started singing and the dad looked over at his daughter and he put his hand on her knee and she was just transfixed by Taylor and was singing every lyric and the Dad just started crying his eyes out and that was the moment when I understood the power that she has. I was trying to cover it up thinking I hope no one sees me with tears coming out of my eyes at a Taylor Swift gig.”
One of Taylor Swift’s private jets, leaving Brisbane for Hamilton Island.
One of Taylor Swift’s private jets, leaving Brisbane for Hamilton Island.Source:News Corp Australia